what is video editing

Video editing is selecting, modifying, processing, and assembling several video sequences into a coherent, logical sequence known as film or video. In the cinematographic field, a film goes through three phases: writing and scripting, filming and directing, and finally, editing. This last step is essential for the production of a video. However, even if you are a novice, you can still shoot and edit fantastic quality videos if you apply the proper techniques. However, if you want to improve your knowledge and master editing, you need to be trained by professionals in a specialized school. Our opinion is to choose universal Solz because it is known for its high-quality training of

UNIVERSAL SOLD explains the steps of successful video editing.

Digital acquisition

Also called "digitization," this step consists of Importing the photos, video elements, or audio files relating to the project to organize and save what is meant by the film's rushes into the computer.


Once the digitization is done, we log in. In other words, we look at our images.

It is recommended that you watch your images as you shoot to ensure no technical issues. It provides video editing services.


After logging, you have to find a structure for the film and then proceed to the organization of your movie by grouping the different rushes into sequences; at this stage, either you select the significant key passages and remove the redundant to obtain The essence of the film, either we choose the "heart" of the film, and add elements useful for understanding.

The bear

During this stage, the pre-edited sequences are put on end to end. It essentially gives an idea of ​​ the interest ... the construction of the film to see if the joints work, if the rhythm is not too long, if the speech retains.

The final cut

Once the previous steps are entirely completed, we return to the details again to proceed with the finishing touches, namely the equalization of lights and contrasts, the mixing of sounds, the addition of background music, or even the titling and the generic.


Once the assembly is finished, it's time to export your video production; for internet use, we recommend that you ship the movie in Mp4 format to be read and understood by all platforms on the internet.

Note: consider showing the film to your friends before exporting the video to get a second opinion on the quality of our work.

There you go; by applying these steps and practicing editing software, it is possible to become familiar with editing or even to produce short videos.



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