Packaging: sustainable solutions at the heart of innovation

Introduction If there's one industry-related topic that has dominated the media since the spring, it's packaging in custom boxes and plastics. And for a good reason - the share of plastic in food packaging is 98%! And it seems that consumers are positioning themselves as a driver of change. According to a Nielsen survey, the latter say they are ready to change their packaging habits (73% of respondents). In addition, according to an agro-media survey, the proportion of consumers saying they are prepared to use compostable packaging (consider and treat as organic waste) amounts to 79% of respondents! A finding that leads IAA professionals to innovate to offer solutions that respond to current environmental issues. Bio-based packaging, recycling solutions, composting… How to meet their expectations? Insight and examples of innovation, from VigiPack n ° 24 newsletters to inspire you. Materials End of plastic packaging for ice cream sticks In the sense of custom packag...